
June 08, 2023

I recently visited a river not far from where I live in Portland, Maine. We've had some rain recently, so before my trip I checked the USGS' site to see how high the river gauge was - while high, it wasn't crazy and I still decided to visit. On arrival, it was clear that I should have stayed at home if I was planning on doing any fishing. While the river wasn't too high, the river was flowing extremely fast. I pulled up the USGS' site again on my phone and confirmed that, if I had looked, I would have been able to see that I wasn't going to be doing any wading.

That said, it was a new spot for me, so I took the opportunity to hike up and down a mile or so of the river. Even though I was no longer there to fish, the river and surrounding environment was absolutely gorgeous. I met and chatted with a few other hikers and enjoyed nature. I only wish that I had brought my dog.

All that's to say, sometimes you should still head outdoors even if conditions aren't great, plans can and should change to meet the conditions you face.

Author: Michael Coleman