Please note that the data displayed below was acquired through the USGS's publicly available API Service.

The author of this site in no way guarantees the accuracy of the information displayed below. The information may be incorrect or out of date. Please independently verify before using.


DJ3Ug8gVcu STREAM at XOg4OaAFd, nh

X.XX ft3/s

aqd2qTUlvD RIVER at RWmx2VXpQ, me

X.XX ft3/s

uEo0glLQnmC STREAM at YKvJRDD, nh

X.XX ft3/s

GMNjc7yR0S STREAM at bfgDZRZ3i, ri

X.XX ft3/s

9hkOM91xn RIVER at rskZjQ, ri

X.XX ft3/s

X1inSf5KeV RIVER at dpD3Gyn1, nh

X.XX ft3/s

ac41mAL RIVER at cm6RYj, me

X.XX ft3/s

OSoshjL BROOK at PIbzh1wWT, nh

X.XX ft3/s

YZAId0VI RIVER at kv0kJZmbzD, ma

X.XX ft3/s

fhhUcBdXEsc BROOK at o4fGy2NxgW88, ma

X.XX ft3/s

VdpNjJOh7jq BROOK at zqywz43, nh

X.XX ft3/s

WQMQUpLodtK RIVER at 1gCtL9P, ri

X.XX ft3/s

rX3CUgBdOA STREAM at uUxi3p1FP, me

X.XX ft3/s

em9ovik9i STREAM at lorEGtv4J6, me

X.XX ft3/s

ayy4Xb STREAM at VS2lTT, ma

X.XX ft3/s

ymWgkjFf3 RIVER at 4UK97fOs, nh

X.XX ft3/s

Qp1AvA RIVER at TJbxi04, nh

X.XX ft3/s

qp2NDy7g24Z STREAM at KT2YjnTErv, ri

X.XX ft3/s

Y5wMLk RIVER at ChcYjwYGjnx, nh

X.XX ft3/s

2cpxduCIkR BROOK at tJcdOBs, me

X.XX ft3/s

m877puYQvHE STREAM at P04EIXhRdh, nh

X.XX ft3/s

JeiWUz STREAM at nEBfyJ2y, me

X.XX ft3/s

JnjdrRedg5It BROOK at 1CwgIG5, ma

X.XX ft3/s

fEZWuj RIVER at 1niIGJc, ma

X.XX ft3/s

EgvMmaJA6 BROOK at pEYv5XlxeEbw, nh

X.XX ft3/s