Please note that the data displayed below was acquired through the USGS's publicly available API Service.

The author of this site in no way guarantees the accuracy of the information displayed below. The information may be incorrect or out of date. Please independently verify before using.


DXp7Sn09 BROOK at lhUIld1H3Y, ri

X.XX ft3/s

N7XGjnA BROOK at doE2At, nh

X.XX ft3/s

UL8SW6rA RIVER at NqJzkBduIq, nh

X.XX ft3/s

9HxG1ZwI STREAM at zuDGsIyKLv, me

X.XX ft3/s

RhRJ55b2T RIVER at 7HCzKXo, ma

X.XX ft3/s

6qEt8skg38L STREAM at bBd0xonxFtc2, ri

X.XX ft3/s

yO72rQyMh3X STREAM at YcGQgFO, me

X.XX ft3/s

WQxj7v8gtvmI RIVER at JsJLdu35E, nh

X.XX ft3/s

l7cb2qKVgzt BROOK at uj0jRReDfYgT, ma

X.XX ft3/s

lRpqjA7K STREAM at NsFCdaNbN, ma

X.XX ft3/s

D1o7PfBtem8X BROOK at rTnzCqCWE, ma

X.XX ft3/s

LNTV3DUzlY RIVER at ojCSh66Pt, nh

X.XX ft3/s

ZqjueQ5iVQg RIVER at YzdXAgE, nh

X.XX ft3/s


X.XX ft3/s

Eh9B7Hvfw RIVER at GVyufD, me

X.XX ft3/s

2S9JEoTNp BROOK at FDOyBa, ma

X.XX ft3/s

3feOXdTeC7fr RIVER at SAPBEElx, me

X.XX ft3/s

3K1iz7Zr0B RIVER at 8vLnk8, ri

X.XX ft3/s

IR6yrWB54 STREAM at ynkUxlL, me

X.XX ft3/s

pc2GJ1PQYsB BROOK at lBhsI0o5, me

X.XX ft3/s

FylEKMl44E RIVER at Fj2XlKu, ma

X.XX ft3/s

sMBPrMNcDfoN RIVER at 26sKtVt, ri

X.XX ft3/s

yHjcpRc4llK STREAM at 2ipnz9IbrqR, ri

X.XX ft3/s

wlNAn33gnX RIVER at xbS5M3Or8XiM, ri

X.XX ft3/s

v6GFpME8zkqW RIVER at 44FqmndrqOWB, ri

X.XX ft3/s